Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Man and profit

Profit maximisation cannot be the sole objective of the humankind. Man* does not survive on profit alone. However, man without profit does not live to find that out. 

Striking the balance, the Middle Path, is the true objective, as far as materiality concerned anyway. 

I am using 'man' here in its original Saxon meaning of 'human being'.

Breaking news


It's not "breaking". It's a sensationalist factoid pandering to the emotional voyeurism of the bored masses.

No link to stop smut from spreading.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Emotional pornography: talent shows and the division of labour

The division of labour, a revolutionary labour management solution, pioneered in early manufactures of the Cordovan Caliphate and later on in the Northern Italian city-states, has freed us from having to single-handedly in order . It has provided us with a constantly expanding range of ever-more affordable commodities, which have, no doubt, have our lives more comfortable.

On the other hand, it has made the work lives of most of us a bit of a senseless drudgery, whereby we are divorced from the purpose, or the final product of what we do Monday to Friday. With at least one third of our waking hours spent so, our life routine is boring and predictable. We have traded our lifetime on this planet for creature comforts and a promise of stability. 

However, humans cannot sustain on material welfare alone. Emotional consumption is at least just as important as consumption of market commodities. In fact, the two are two sides of the same medal: e.g., in retail therapy we seek an emotional high, the purchase itself being merely instrumental.

This is where very cunningly barges in the entertainment industry. Talent shows like X-Factor and [Fill In The Country] Has Talent shrewdly extract genuine emotions from starry-eyed hopefuls to peddle close-up images of ecstatic or devastated contestants and awed audiences alike to the jaded masses glued to their plasma screens. As shielded from this kind of psychological pollution as my largely media-free life is, I briefly found myself gawking at one after another YouTube clip of talent show stories, devouring the cleverly packaged emotional trips with an addictive gusto.

Scientist's analytic streak however quickly kicked, and I started pondering over possible repercussions of what this industry of emotional pornography does to earthlings. 

Firstly, this vicarious enjoyment of someone's cynically hijacked and broadcast emotions provides a powerful emotional kick to those whose lives are largely void of that. In some ways, it is not unsimilar to the common-and-garden masturbation to porn videos, except here one is exempt from any kind of effort to obtain gratification: it is delivered ready-made, pre-chewed and pre-digested, straight to your senses by a devilishly professional TV production team.

Secondly, it upholds an illusion of meritocracy, of a society with a speed lift of social mobility for the gifted. Never mind that most winners fizzle out into oblivion a few months after the show, abandoned to their own devices to deal with the aftermath of falling down from so high.

Thirdly, it also contributes to a culture of instant gratification, an illusion that success can be achieved if you only hit the right button at the right time, no effort required on your side. A generation of youngsters is tricked into believing that having a great voice or good looks will automatically promote you to the highest rungs of showbiz. The fact that such big-time entertainers as Beyonce and Brittney Spears have effectively had no childhood having to work non-stop to achieve their present position is conveniently glossed over, while the superficial trimmings of success - fancy clothes, shiny cars and glamorous lifestyles - enjoy a disproportionate, voyeristic coverage.

The neurotic conflict between the simulacra of the media-manufactured delusional desire and the reality of structural violence and social immobility is what one of the major drives of the 2011 urban riots in the UK. Simon Cowell and the Co. are most certainly among the actual culprits.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Fractional reserve banking: the actual secret of Western prosperity

A lot of  talk - by academics, journalists and laymen alike - goes on about "successful economic models". Inspired by Max Weber's largely misunderstood and misquoted The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, economic success has first been attributed to White man's supremacy, then Japanese diligence, presently to Chinese Confucian ethics. 

Elaborate models show how this or that factor made or broke a particular country. Economists in particular can't get enough of singling out that elusive dependent variable that will couple perfectly with their fetish variable of economic growth. Back in the halcyon days of universal fascination with "development", anthropologists too used to look for magic secrets of  prosperity, e.g., Clifford Geertz in the conclusion to The Agriculutral Involution in Indonesia ruminated poignantly on "how come Indonesia is not more like Japan?"

Looking beyond the quality of Javanese volcanic soil and delusions of meritocratic world economy, at, as Arjun Appadurai put it, the "the promiscuous flows of global capital", reveals that access to cheap money by way of fractional reserve banking is the actual secret of Western prosperity.  Tempted with this giant carrot on a stick, whole countries jump up and embark on economic miracles. The fin-de-siècle Argentina used to be world's 3rd richest country, thanks to the British banks - until Evita ousted them, wherefore that coveted prosperity never returned to the land of tango and giant steaks. Oftentimes, it is the overspill of Western military expenses that proves an unexpected economic side-effect. The Korean War money fuelled Japan's skyrocketing to the top of world's pecking order. Thailand hugely benefited from serving as the US bulwark in the Vietnam War. The cases that superficially appear exceptions, in fact, rest on the same principles: for example, China's stunning rise owes a great deal to its unprecedented control of its finances that allows it to create its own giant carrot on a stick outside the reach of the so-called "world's financial institutions". The collapse of the Soviet Union may be partially attributed to its failure to develop a fractional reserve banking system.

Money is the blood of economy. The more you cook up, the more material prosperity people will produce, chasing that very carrot on a stick. However, crasheth that Ponzi scheme, crasheth the whole shebang. Among the structural factors that can bring about the eventual demise of this model are:
  1. Oversaturation of the market: there are limits to how much stuff people actually need. The ceaseless "oversize me" drive can only lead to a fate similar to Mr. Creozote's.
  2. Uncontrolled cooking up of money not backed up by any assets: the trillions allegedly hoarded in offshore accounts are exactly that, digits in the computer, in whose purchase power everyone happens to believe.
  3. Unchecked wealth distribution will effectively deplete mass consumers' purchase power: the goose that lays golden eggs will bite itself on the ass to death. Palliatives like limitless credit extension to every Tom, Dick and Harry has proven highly toxic as we witnessed in 2008.
The credit-based economic model did bring about a level of unprecedented material prosperity to the Golden Billion. At the same time, it has peaked out around the First Oil Crisis and has required an enormous effort and expense to sustain by way of creating fake stock exchange bubbles (dot com, prime mortgage, green technologies, carbon trading, etc.). It has also decisively changed the relationship between the nation-state and corporate capital. It has also brought up a obscenely staggering wealth gap both between the "developing"and the "developed" world as well as domestically in the West. To secure that gap a variety of highly destructive measures has been taken: waging wars around the globe, initiating ans sustaining perpetual wars on "drugs" and "terror", mass control through mass surveillance and culture of fear.

What kind of system will come in place of the current one is beyond any social engineering attempt or wishful prediction. On thing clear is that the contradictions that will bring it down are already present and will serve as cornerstone for a new emerging reality. Another clear thing is that no amount of wiggling and huffing-puffing within the framework of monetary economy will remove you from its morbid grip: attempts like the Brixton pound are sweet but deeply naive.


Post-humanism really drives at how intelligent protein-based life on Earth got tricked into spending their lifetimes serving the Machine.

A related insight from Zen Buddhism:

"The world is vast and wide. Why do you put on your robes at the sound of a bell?" Zen Master Unmon